Notice Board

EPA Letter to WCTC's Neighbours                             Posted December 2020 

The EPA's North East regional manager recently sent a letter to residents of the area surrounding The Wangaratta Clay Target Club. The letter informed residents that the ground water contamination found during the long running saga stretching back to the club's closure in 2016 was NOT caused by the club. To quote from the letter, recent testing, “…shows the WCTC has not been contaminating groundwater…”   A copy of the EPA letter can be found at the link below


EPA Letter to Residents
EPA 2020 11 30 - WCTC Groundwater non-co
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EPA MEDIA RELEASE - GUN RANGES                     Posted 10 January 2019


The EPA has published an Australian first – a guide for shooting ranges to help them reduce their environmental impact. To read the full release, click on the following link.





September 2018


 It is well known amongst the Victorian ACTA shooting community that the Wangaratta Clay Target Club Inc. was investigated by both the DHHS & EPA in May 2016. The investigation resulted from lead pellets being found on the eastern part of the adjacent football oval.  Since then, the club has been issued with a Clean Up Notice (CUN) by the EPA and is subject to the terms set out in an Environmental Management Plan (EMP). The club was advised that the results of the comprehensive investigation conducted here, including extensive bore water testing and dust and soil contamination levels, would act as a prototype for the Regulatory Authorities in Victoria in further understanding the level of environmental impacts of clay target shooting more broadly. For those interested, more information about the history of this investigation can be found on the club’s website,  (


The club decided soon after the initial EPA investigation, which commenced in May 2016, to switch from petroleum pitch based targets to eco-friendly targets. We now wish to take this opportunity to detail the reasons for that decision and to put forward the facts as they stand.


This change to eco-friendly targets was a result of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) being found on the surface and to a shallow depth in the soil of the club’s grounds. The club was advised that PAH are carcinogenic and that they present a health risk to humans and animals. The PAH contamination is quite separate to the lead contamination and the club decided to deal with it immediately in order to ensure more environmentally correct operations.


The EPA has recently made it clear that the clean-up funding currently provided by the State Government and other sources was a one off arrangement. Future use of petroleum pitch based targets (PAH) will make the club liable for all costs associated with future clean-up operations to remove and dispose of any contamination created.


In order to select the most appropriate type of target, efforts began to obtain Material Safety Data Sheets from different suppliers of eco-friendly targets. The overriding priority for the club was to select a target that would meet the requirements of a clean, pollution free target that was suitable for competition use.  Discussions were also held with the EPA and the various Material Safety Data Sheets were studied. The target chosen ticked all the boxes for the requirements listed above and came with a very comprehensive specification sheet that satisfied all parties.


It is important to understand that the Wangaratta Clay Target Club Inc. has been placed under a microscope over the last two and a half years by the authorities, resulting in extraordinary efforts being made by the committee to keep the club operating. The committee has put in countless thousands of hours of work, meetings and submissions in order to ensure that the club is compliant with the government regulatory bodies.


Due to the monumental efforts of the committee,  the club continues to provide a first rate service to all of our members and visitors and is very confident we will continue to do so for many years to come.  By implementing a number of changes to our procedures and by switching to the eco-friendly targets, we have been able to continue our regular practice days and monthly competitions in both DTL and Five Stand in a more environmentally friendly way.


The results of the research conducted here in Wangaratta will potentially benefit many other clubs across the state of Victoria. The eventual conclusions from this project may form the basis for a sensible, pragmatic approach by government authorities when instigating future environmental requirements for other shooting clubs.



Anton Motha                                                   


Wangaratta Clay Target Club



Brian Reid

Vice President

Wangaratta Clay Target Club 





Clean-up Plan Progress - Updated 06 October 2018


The club received from the EPA Auditor, Mr John Piper of Senversa Pty Ltd, a review and verification of the Clean Up Plan (CUP) as prepared by Golder Environmental Consultants in September this year.  A range of alternative remedial measures were detailed in the CUP for consideration. The report is in response to a Clean Up Notice issued by the EPA on 29 June 2018. The club has complied with this regulatory requirement to supply the report by the due date.


At this stage, further investigatory works are required at the club premises before a further auditor reviewed Clean Up Plan and new Environmental Management Plan are produced.  The auditor has requested further information prior to signing off on a suitable CUP.


The club will continue to work closely with EPA and RCoW towards any remedial actions that may be required at the Premises.


A copy of both the Auditor review and Golder's CUP are on hand at the club rooms for interested members to read upon request.




Contamination from Wangaratta Clay Target Club


In June 2016, EPA issued the Wangaratta Clay Target Club (WCTC) with two notices: requiring the extent of lead contamination at the North Wangaratta Recreation Reserve to be determined; and to implement measures to prevent groundwater and land contamination.


Lead contamination above the human health limits for recreational levels was detected in soil samples taken from the site’s eastern boundary, and the reserve was closed to the community.



For further history on this issue, see the Contamination from Wangaratta Clay Target Club archive.




August 2018 Update


Excavation of lead-contaminated soil at the North Wangaratta football oval is now complete. The soil contamination was from lead shot used in past shooting activities at the Wangaratta Clay Target Club (WCTC), adjacent to the football oval.


Following excavation of the contaminated material, soil testing has confirmed lead contamination has been reduced to a level that poses minimal risk to human health and the environment. The testing to confirm the clean up has been reviewed and approved by an independent Auditor.


Works on the reconstruction of the oval are essentially complete. The playing surface has been re-sown, however it will take time for the surface to be at an acceptable standard for sporting activities.  Rural City of Wangaratta is overseeing reconstruction of the oval.


The contaminated soil has been temporarily stored on the WCTC premises. Management of this soil will be included in the cleanup plan required for the premises.



Groundwater Management  -  July 2018


Groundwater samples were taken from the Wangaratta Clay Target Club premise in July 2018.  These samples showed several exceedances of the health guideline levels outlined in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG) for lead, nickel and arsenic. 


The results indicate that lead and arsenic are present primarily in suspended solids within the samples taken (that is, in the dirt and sediment undissolved in groundwater), while nickel appears to be dissolved in the groundwater itself.


Investigations about groundwater contamination are continuing. Because of some inconsistency with previous testing, further groundwater monitoring will be required to confirm groundwater quality.


Groundwater in the area may be contaminated and shouldn't be used for drinking until these investigations are complete. 


For other uses of groundwater, such as irrigation and stock watering, groundwater should be tested regularly to ensure its suitability.


Residents seeking further information about private water supplies, should call the Department of Health and Human Services Water Program on 1300 761 874.



Cleanup Plan for Wangaratta Clay Target Club


The cleanup plan for WCTC has been delayed while work has been focused on the North Wangaratta football oval. The cleanup plan must be completed and submitted to EPA by 14 September 2018.  



Further information


Please don't hesitate to contact EPA on 1300 372 842 (1300 EPA VIC) for more information about environmental or health risks, or the Rural City of Wangaratta for information about the oval reinstatement.




Police Investigate Compromised Well  -  June 2018


At a stakeholders meeting on 13 June 2018, it was announced by the Project Managers, Rural City of Wangaratta, that after scientific testing a single well was found to have a considerable number of lead shot pellets inside it.  It was thought that the well had been compromised by an unknown party and the incident was to be reported to Vic Police in due course.


As a result, this well has been permanently shut down.  Council advised the incident had caused further delays and unnecessary costs at the location,  however it will have no bearing on the eventual water test results. 


Golder have recently tested several of the wells on both clay target club land and the football oval, results will be announced in due course. 



Travelling to Western Australia with Your Firearm?


Email from Anita Dyas, State Secretary WACTA Inc.




I have been advised by the WA Police that WACTA can no longer apply for temporary permits on behalf of Eastern States shooters visiting WA with firearms.  To quote the advice received, permits issued to WACTA previously were “done outside normal procedures”. 


In the future, applications for group permits are to be submitted by an Eastern State person representing an Eastern State club.  Again, to quote the advice received, “a group permit should be issued to a single interstate club, to an interstate person representing that interstate club.  Legally, there are no provisions to issue the permit to a WA coordinator under the WA club name for interstate group members”


Sue/Maureen, is there any facility for the ACTA to place this information in the next CTSN please?


State and Territory Secretaries:  could you disseminate this information as widely as possible please?


I’m sorry that WACTA can no longer assist in this respect.


Kind regards,


Anita Dyas


State Secretary



Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Wangaratta Clay Target Club Inc. will be held on Wednesday 18th July 2018 at 7:00pm.  The venue will be at the club rooms, Detour Rd., North Wangaratta.


Election of Office Bearers and Committee will take place.  Reports upon the transactions of the Association during the preceding financial year will be presented.

Please make a note of this important date as your attendance will be appreciated.

A number of current Office Bearers and Committee will be withdrawing.

The preceding year will be an important year in the clubs existence. With the ongoing environmental issues, new toilet complex / septic installation, kitchen upgrade to current health standards and hopefully installation of shot curtains to allow Skeet / use of ground 1 for DTL.

 With all the regulation, governance and reporting required by the environmental cloud that shooting at the club is under. We need to change the culture in the club of the membership leaving all the work to a few on the committee.

The membership needs to be aware that we will never again be a normal CTC. The work required keeping this clubs doors open and operating is much greater than it was before the 2016 closure.

So please come along to the AGM, because there is a real danger of People walking away from the club due to sheer exhaustion.


For more information, contact club secretary Mr Angelo Grassi ph. 0429365215.


Yours faithfully,


Phillip Smith.


President / Treasurer.

 The EPA have advised that the due date for the Auditor Verified Clean Up Plan of the Wangaratta Clay Target Club premises has been extended to 14 September 2018.

The date of submission to the EPA of an Auditor verified Clean Up Plan for the WCTC Premises has been extended to 08 June 2018.  The club looks forward to receipt of the Plan, as this will detail all requirements regarding the extent of remediation works on the clubs areas.

Recently, the club was inspected by officers from the EPA to check if the 'immediate requirements' as set out in CDM Smith's Environmental Management Plan (EMP) have been complied with.

With the exception of a couple of points, which have since been rectified, we can report that the club has satisfied the EPA in this regard.  Future inspections will occur to ensure compliance with the EMP and the club is confident that it will be fully compliant with all items as set out in the Plan.  The Club will soon apply for an extension of the due date (30 March 2018) for completion of the Clean Up Plan for the club Premises, due to further requirements being managed by the Rural City of Wangaratta.

Expression of Interest for State Secretary Position
Expression of Interest - State Secretary
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Contamination at the North Wangaratta Recreation Reserve


EPA issued Wangaratta Clay Target Club with two notices in June 2016 that require the extent of lead contamination at the North Wangaratta Recreation Reserve to be understood, and for measures to be put in place to prevent groundwater and land contamination occurring.

The reserve was closed to the community after lead above the health limits for recreational levels was detected in soil samples at the site’s eastern boundary.

For older developments on this issue, see the Contamination from Wangaratta Clay Target Club archive.


January 2018 update


Excavation of contaminated material for the North Wangaratta recreation Reserve

Excavation of lead-contaminated soil at the North Wangaratta football oval has commenced. The soil contamination was from historical shooting activities at the Wangaratta Clay Target Club (WCTC), adjacent to the football oval.

Following excavation of the contaminated material, soil testing will be conducted to confirm that lead contamination has been reduced to a level that poses minimal risk to human health and the environment. The 

oval will then be reconstructed to allow the public access without risk to human health.

The contaminated soil will be temporarily stored on the WCTC premises. This soil will be included in the cleanup plan required for the premises.

The excavation and temporary stockpiling of the contaminated material are being managed  by consultants engaged by the Rural City of Wangaratta, as required by a notice issued by EPA. The notice requires 

that the excavation and stockpiling be carried out as to minimise the risk to human health and the environment.


Groundwater management

Results from groundwater monitoring undertaken in May 2017 at the North Wangaratta Recreation Reserve indicate that:

  • levels of lead in groundwater did not exceed health guidelines for drinking water
  • levels of nickel in groundwater were found to exceed health guidelines for drinking water.

Because groundwater undergoes seasonal and other variations, further monitoring will be required to confirm groundwater quality. Groundwater in the area may be contaminated and shouldn't be used for drinking until

these investigations are complete. For other uses of groundwater, such as irrigation and stock watering, groundwater should be tested regularly to ensure its suitability.

Residents seeking further information about private water supplies, should call the Department of Health and Human Services Water Program on 1300 761 874.


Cleanup plan for Wangaratta Clay Target Club

The cleanup plan for WCTC has been delayed while work has been focused on the North Wangaratta football oval. The cleanup plan must be completed and submitted to EPA by 30 March 2018. 


Further information

Please don't hesitate to contact EPA on 1300 372 842 (1300 EPA VIC) for more information about environmental or health risks, or the Rural City of Wangaratta for information about the oval reinstatement.


The club wishes to advise of the following increases in shoot nominations and practice rates, effective from 09 February 2018.  This implements the committee decision to increase our charges (see below) as it seeks to stabilise the clubs finances. Please see financial analysis statement,  which details relevant financial facts and figures in operating the club and reinforces the committee's decision to increase our fees at this time.

Practice for shooters 18 years or over,  $8 /25 tgts. incl.  enviro levy.

    "         "    juniors,  $6 / 25 tgts. incl. enviro levy.


5 Stand Sporting Clays.

Open - $0.55 cents per tgt  + $1 enviro levy.  eg. 100 tgts = $56.00 (incl. $1 enviro levy)

Veterans & juniors - $0.45 cents per tgt + $1 enviro levy.  eg. 100 tgts = $46.00 (incl. $1 enviro levy).


Open - $0.60 cents per target + $1 enviro levy.  eg.  30 tgts. =$19.00 (incl. $1 enviro levy)

Veterans & juniors - $0.50 cents per target + $1 enviro levy.  eg.  30 tgts = $16.00 (incl. $1 enviro levy)


In addition, the club has suffered loss of income due to the closure of skeet.  Skeet practice sessions have always been very popular with many shooters, helping to generate an income stream for the club. The extra revenue from skeet would have brought the club nearer to a breakeven situation. It is anticipated that the skeet discipline will eventually be re introduced, subject to further satisfactory discussions with the relevant state government departments.

Financial analysis WCTC Feb 2018.pdf
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January 7th, 2018:

The club has submitted to the EPA a detailed list and photos of all 'immediate' works required under the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) as prepared by environmental consultants CDM Smith.  The club had a period of 60 days to have this work completed which has been complied with.  Subject to any review by the EPA, we are confident that the tasks  completed have been done in a professional and timely way.

A copy of the EMP is available for inspection by members at the club rooms office. Other future requirements as set out in this plan will be completed as they fall due.

The club can proud of the work of the environmental sub committee appointed to instigate these measures.  Many hours of planning, organising materials and labour have gone into this project as required by the consultants and EPA.

It is important that all site users are familiar with and comply with the requirements as set out in the EMP and will receive an induction document in due course.  These documents will be handed out at the club to all site users, contractors / cleaning and maintenance personnel as required.

The club has been issued with a new Environmental Management Plan (EMP), as prepared by CDM Smith.  This plan replaces the original plan as prepared by Ground Corp.  The EPA has allowed the club a period of 60 days from the 17th November 2017 to instigate the immediate requirements as set out in the plan.  As a result, the club has formed a sub committee to comply with this requirement.  Further ongoing requirements as set out in the plan need to be complied with on a timely basis and will be addressed by the sub committee as required. 

A copy of the EMP has been provided to all committee members and 

a copy will be kept at the club rooms for members to inspect.  The current EMP is a 'live document' and may be amended from time to time by the consultants in conjunction with the EPA and the Clay Target Club.

PCM Enviro are the clubs appointed contractor for the removal of contaminants at the premises.  PCM Enviro effectively removed more than 50 ton of lead from the club grounds in 2014 and provided a generous sponsorship covering a 5 year period to the club.  PCM Enviro are the Official Preferred Supplier and advisor to the ACTA and VCTA in relation to environmental concerns at shooting ranges Australia wide.

Golder & Assoc. - Appointed to Conduct Testing 

Golder and Assoc. have been appointed by the RCoW to complete the remaining Environmental work at the North Wangaratta Sports Reserve.  Their duties will include further soil tests on the football oval, developing a Clean Up Plan for the  Clay Target Club and reviewing the Environmental Management Plan.

Latest Update from the EPA
8th June 2017
North Wangaratta Recreation Reserve lead
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Ground Corp - Thank You

The club recognizes and appreciates Ground Corp’s environmental advice,  support and assistance since May 2016.

Ground Corp prepared a contamination management plan and conducted an environmental site assessment at the Premises and adjacent oval in 2016.

Ben Lodge from Ground Corp was generous with his advice on many environmental matters, and continues to take an interest in the clubs current situation.

The club appreciates Ben’s attendance at its recent reopening celebratory shoot and for his engagement with shooters and others during the day.

Club to re-open - April 2017

The club is now up and running again, subject to strict compliance with the Contamination Management Plan that has received interim approval from the EPA.

This will mean that DTL on grounds 2 & 3 and 5 stand sporting clays will recommence.  

Practice sessions will now be available commencing Saturday 08 April, after 1pm.

Trap maintenance after the long down time,  will need to be performed before Saturday.  Members need to allow for the fact that both disciplines may not be available this Saturday, subject to getting both disciplines up and running again.

Skeet will remain closed until further notice.

Please make an effort to come out for a shot on Saturday 08 April.  It will be great to hear the sound of gun fire again and the smell of burnt powder!

The website updates concerning the closure of the North Wangaratta Recreation Reserve have now been archived.

Wangaratta Clay Target Club Inc. acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government with assistance under the Shooting Sports Facilities Program

Wangaratta Clay Target Club inc.

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Upcoming Events


Practice Sessions 



1330 ~ 1730




1330 ~ 1730






Click on Calendar of Events tab above for more details about our upcoming shoots. 


EFTPOS is now available for the payment of nomination fees at competitions. Practice days & the canteen will remain cash only.